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Aromaleigh Spring Solstice EOTD with May Lily-Calendula-Godetia-Heartleaf

I just had to play with my lovely AL Spring Solstice piggies today ;) Here is a look with May Lily, Calendula, Godetia & Heartleaf. If you like this look, you can do it very well without Calendula... It wasn't the best color for me and I added Godetia over it.

No pitihän hiukan leikkiä Spring Soltice pigmenteillä ;) Tässä päivän meikki May Lilyn, Calendulan, Godetian sekä Heartleafin kera. Jos pidit tästä, niin Calendula ei ole lainkaan välttämätön, en siitä niin välittänyt ja laitoin Godetiaa päälle.

-Detrivore primer
-AL May Lily (lid)
-AL Calendula (outer lid)
-AL Godetia (crease & over Calendula)
-forgot to put anything in browbone :P
-AL Heartleaf (lower lash line over Pixie Epoxy primer)
-MAC Backtrack fluidline
-LashStiletto non-wp (after 5 minutes, no curl left :P)

May Lily : My new favorite- the palest creamy greenish shimmer with sparkles of pink and violet
Calendula: Warm mahogany brown with coppery sparkle shimmer
Godetia: Rosy brown shimmer with tiny sparkles of gold throughout
Heartleaf: The freshness of budding leaves with sparkles of violet

Thanks for looking :)


  1. Saila:
    Kiitos :D Kovasti tykkäilen myös itse. Yllättävän kiva tuo Godetia! May Lily on nyt tietty ihan suosikkini <3

  2. Oh, so pretty as always! Have a lovely Christmas! :)

  3. Witoxicity:
    Thank you :) In fact this is one of my favorite looks. I never expected to like godetia this much!


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