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LaurEss lipglosses in Sassy & Harmony

I've searching for natural lipgloss like MAC boy bait, which I love (the color) and hate (the ingredients). So the gloss needs to be light, natural and without shimmer, I thougt LaurEss lipglosses in Harmony and Sassy might be quite close. I ordered 11/25, got shipping mail 12/1 and received my order 12/8. International shipping is very cheap in LaurEss and I especially love their Elemental foundation!

Olen etsinyt MACin Boy Baitin tapaista kiiltoa mineraalipujuista, toisaalta pidän kovasti Boy Baitista (koostumus ja väri) ja toisaalta inhoan (inci :P). Kiillon pitäisi olla siis hyvin vaalea ja luonnollinen sekä ilman hohtoa. Kuvien perusteella epäilin LaurEssin Sassyn ja Harmonyn olevan aika lähellä oikeaa... Tilasin 25.11., lähestysmeili tuli 1.12. ja tuotteet saapuivat 8.12. Kansainväliset postikulut ovat todella halvat ja pidän erityisesti firman Elemental-pohjasta!

Unfortunately I didn't swatch Boy Bait (you can see Karla Sugar's swatch here) this time but these were not even close, unfortunately... Both Sassy and Harmony are natural colors but I wanted even lighter shade. The quality is not my favorite either: quite thin, not very glossy (not sticky either), disappears quickly and doesn't feel moisturizing enough for my dry lips. I would call these "lip glosses" anyway, these are more like "lip colors". I'll use these but I like Beutiful Girl Minerals lip glosses and Fyrinnae Lip Lustres more :) And my favorite is still Aromaleigh but I wanted to find liquid gloss this time. I ordered full sizes this time, I just don't like those mini size samples (tiny lipgloss tubes) because I noticed that I always lost those. LOL But it's of course very good that samples are available! I think these are ok and maybe you are going to like these more than I do.

Valitettavasti en muistanut swatchata Boy Baitia (yllä linkki KarlaSugarin swatchiin) mutta eivät olleet sitten lähelläkään, valitettavasti... Sekä Sassy että Harmony ovat kyllä ihan luonnollisia mutta etsin omia huuliani vaaleampaa tällä kertaa. Laatukaan ei ollut ihan mieleiseni: ohut, ei kovin kiiltävä, häviää nopeasti ja ei tunnu tarpeeksi kosteuttavalta kuiville huulilleni. Kutsuisin myös ennemminkin huuliväriksi kuin huulikiilloksi. Käytän näitä kyllä mutta pidän enemmän esim. Fyrinnaen Lip Lustreista tai Beautiful girl mineralsin kiilloista. Otin nämä täysikokoisina, sillä en välitä minikokoisista näytteistä juurikaan... Mutta toki hyvä, että sampleja on saatavilla :) Ihan ok nämä ovat ja ehkäpä pidät näistä enemmän kuin minä.

Harmony: "Creamy and matte, light muted peach"
Sassy: "Creamy and matte neutral nude"

Have you tried these? Do you like them? Have you find lipgloss in light natural color and without shimmer?


  1. Have you tried the Silk Naturals lip glosses?? There are quite a few colors as well as levels of color and you may find something here. The link is

  2. Hi Marcey! I don't have any SN liquid glosses YET, but I really like the solid ones. So maybe I need to test those too :D

  3. Do the samples of Lauress lipglosses come in jars? I think I'll try beautiful girl minerals' lipppies :) I recently got 2 from the all natural face and i like how the colors look very natural on me but don't moisturizing enough on my dry lips either.

  4. LaurEss samples come in tiny little lipgloss tubes :) BG minerals and Fyrinnae lip lustres are bit more moisturinzing but I still like Aromaleigh lippies most, those are like lipbalms :D Maybe these work better in warmer climate, the wearther in here is now freezing and dry (my lips are so DRY).

  5. Loveley colors!

    I'm also a big fan of LaurEss, especially their blushes. Serendipity is absolutely gorgous! I wanted to order a bunch of samples again this week, but the price for int. shipping (I'm in the Netherlands) has gotten insane! It used to be around USD $4,-, but is now almost USD $17,-!!

    1. Same problem with Alima too :( Unfortunately I won't buy anything with shipping that high (we also have to pay taxes if the order with shipping is higher than about 40€).

  6. Yes, Alima raised their prices as well (they raised their regular prices with USD $1,50 last week), just like EDM, although their shipping is still pretty reasonable (around USD $7,-).
    I also stopped buying from U.S. companies since we have to pay taxes and clearing charges on everything over €22,-. I buy a lot of my MMU from Lily Lolo these days, a UK based company that still has reasonable prices. Since it's in the EU I don't have to worry about taxes either.


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