I just wanted to share this lovely song (Jenni Vartiainen- Missä muruseni on) with you can find the english lyrics from YouTube too. I usually like metal but this is just so beautiful song. *heart*
The lyrics are not translated by me, I found those from YouTube here, the video was uploaded by "0brunette0".
I also hope I'll find Sleeks palettes from London, if I find those will be part of my next giveaway. I already bought Shu Uemura lash curlers from HongKong ;D I'll post about the next giveawya hopefully in the end of next week!
The lyrics are not translated by me, I found those from YouTube here, the video was uploaded by "0brunette0".
Song: Missä muruseni on
Album: Seili
Artist: Jenni Vartiainen
Lyrics: Missä muruseni on (Where my sweetheart is)
Yöllä taas mä menin parvekkeelle nukkumaan,
(At nigh again I went to sleep on the balcony)
jotta lähempänä mua ois hän
(So that he'd be closer to me)
Pediltäni taivas näkyy, ryhdyin oottamaan,
(You can see the sky from my bed, I began to wait)
että näen tähden lentävän
(that I'd see a shooting star)
Sanovat jos jossain huomaa tähdenlennon niin
(They say that if you notice a shooting star somewhere)
toivoa voit silloin mitä vaan
(Then you can wish for anything)
Yöllä ylös taivaalle mä pyynnön kuiskasin
(At night I whispered a request up to the sky)
Kävisipä pian tuulemaan
(I wish that wind would blow soon)
Tuuli tuule sinne missä muruseni on
(Wind blow where my sweetheart is)
Leiki hetki hänen hiuksillaan
(Play a moment with his hair)
Kerro rakkauteni, kerro kuinka ikävöin
(Tell him I love him, how I miss him)
Kerro, häntä ootan yhä vaan
(Tell, I'm still waiting for him)
Tyyni oli eilen yö
(Last night was calm)
mut kohta kuitenkin
(But soon after all)
Tuuli henkäisi ja tuntee sain
(The wind blew and I felt that)
Joku liikkui lähelläni
(Someone was moving near me)
koski poskeain
(Touched my cheek)
Tutun käden tunsin ihollain
(I felt a familiar hand on my skin)
Enkä enää epäillyt
(I didn't doubt anymore)
vaan tiesin, että voin
(And I knew that I could)
Niin kuin pieni lapsi nukahtaa
(Fall asleep like a small child)
Ilma jota hengitämme samaa ilmaa on
(The air that we breathe is the same)
Ja jalkojemme alla sama maa
(And also the ground beneath our feet)
Tuuli tuule sinne missä muruseni on
(Wind blow where my sweetheart is)
Leiki hetki hänen hiuksillaan
(Play a moment with his hair)
Kerro rakkauteni, kerro kuinka ikävöin
(Tell him I love him, how I miss him)
Kerro, häntä ootan yhä vaan
(Tell, I'm still waiting for him)
Album: Seili
Artist: Jenni Vartiainen
Lyrics: Missä muruseni on (Where my sweetheart is)
Yöllä taas mä menin parvekkeelle nukkumaan,
(At nigh again I went to sleep on the balcony)
jotta lähempänä mua ois hän
(So that he'd be closer to me)
Pediltäni taivas näkyy, ryhdyin oottamaan,
(You can see the sky from my bed, I began to wait)
että näen tähden lentävän
(that I'd see a shooting star)
Sanovat jos jossain huomaa tähdenlennon niin
(They say that if you notice a shooting star somewhere)
toivoa voit silloin mitä vaan
(Then you can wish for anything)
Yöllä ylös taivaalle mä pyynnön kuiskasin
(At night I whispered a request up to the sky)
Kävisipä pian tuulemaan
(I wish that wind would blow soon)
Tuuli tuule sinne missä muruseni on
(Wind blow where my sweetheart is)
Leiki hetki hänen hiuksillaan
(Play a moment with his hair)
Kerro rakkauteni, kerro kuinka ikävöin
(Tell him I love him, how I miss him)
Kerro, häntä ootan yhä vaan
(Tell, I'm still waiting for him)
Tyyni oli eilen yö
(Last night was calm)
mut kohta kuitenkin
(But soon after all)
Tuuli henkäisi ja tuntee sain
(The wind blew and I felt that)
Joku liikkui lähelläni
(Someone was moving near me)
koski poskeain
(Touched my cheek)
Tutun käden tunsin ihollain
(I felt a familiar hand on my skin)
Enkä enää epäillyt
(I didn't doubt anymore)
vaan tiesin, että voin
(And I knew that I could)
Niin kuin pieni lapsi nukahtaa
(Fall asleep like a small child)
Ilma jota hengitämme samaa ilmaa on
(The air that we breathe is the same)
Ja jalkojemme alla sama maa
(And also the ground beneath our feet)
Tuuli tuule sinne missä muruseni on
(Wind blow where my sweetheart is)
Leiki hetki hänen hiuksillaan
(Play a moment with his hair)
Kerro rakkauteni, kerro kuinka ikävöin
(Tell him I love him, how I miss him)
Kerro, häntä ootan yhä vaan
(Tell, I'm still waiting for him)
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Picture is from here: http://www.savonsanomat.fi/viihde/levyt/jenni-vartiainen-seili/548236 |
I also hope I'll find Sleeks palettes from London, if I find those will be part of my next giveaway. I already bought Shu Uemura lash curlers from HongKong ;D I'll post about the next giveawya hopefully in the end of next week!
Such a beautiful song!
ReplyDeleteI love Suomi! ^___^ And I'm also much into metal but this song is beautiful and I always loved this one too "Päivänsäde Ja Menninkäinen".
Me and my boyfriend are thinking about going to live in a northern country. My suggestion is, obviously, Finland. We really like Finland! ^__^
i agree to akuma. i love metal and love suomi. songs like these make exceptions to my tastes :)
ReplyDeleteI loved that song! Thank you for sharing that.
ReplyDeleteI added a link to official music video, it's lovely!
ReplyDeleteAkuma Kanji: Well, it's very quiet & peaceful here :)
Porcelaine: Finnish metal is great <3
Jenni <3.
ReplyDeleteSaako tässä mainostaa myös toista mainiota yhtyettä :)?
"Battlelore is a metal band from Lappeenranta, Finland. All of Battlelore's lyrics concern J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth.
The band's style is complex and takes elements from gothic metal, folk metal, power metal, and melodic death metal."
The band is widely known elsewhere in Europe than at home in Finland :'D.
panda: No takuulla saa :D Yritän ehtiä kuunnella huomenna, ei ole ennestään tuttu ainakaan nimeltään.