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MAC She who dares vs. Meow Witch & Warlock

I was asked to do this comparison and these colors really seem to be quite similar, maybe Meow has more silvery glitter in it. Of course not the same but I'd still say close enough... Of course the packaging of She Who Dares is pretty cool. So I don't regret of buying it, even though I like the quality of Meow better (after swaching, I haven't tested She who dares yet). edit: Oh, the quality of MAC Venomous Villains is so much nicer than in Style Black eyeshadows. Very nice to apply!

Minulta pyydettiin tätä vertailua ja sävyt tosiaan ovat hyvin samantyyliset, Meowissa ehkä hopeista glitteriä mukana. Eivät toki ihan samat mutta tarpeeksi lähellä ainakin minulle. MAC-ostos ei silti kaduta, pakkaus on vain niin ihana :D Laadultaan taas pidän enemmän Meowista, on pigmenttismepi. En tosin ole She who daresia kertaakaan ehtinyt vielä testaamaan. edit: Ja sitä testattuani täytyy sanoa, että tykkään! Laatu on paljon parempi kuin Style Blackeissä.

Meow Halloween Warlock, MAC She who dares, Meow halloween Witch

The blues are quite similar to me, Meow is more pigmented (after swatching) but She who dares has even nicer sparkle (after testing on eyelids). I could wear these blues at the same time and no one could tell the difference! When you look very closely, you can see the amazing sparkle in She who dares.

The green from She who dares is warmer, more golden,  and I really love that color. Meow's seem to be a tad darker that She who dares colors.

Siniset ovat lähellä tosiaan, Meow vain pigmenttisempi (swachaamisen jälkeen) ja She Who Draes kimaltavampi (luomilla testaamisen jälkeen). Laitoin sinsiet eri silmiin ja kukaan ei näitä erottaisi toisistaan, voisin lähteä hyvin vaikka töihin :D Oikein läheltä kun katsoo, MAC kimaltaa enemmän. 

She who daresin vihreä on sävyltään lämpöisempi ja kultaisempi kuin Witch, pidän MACista enemmän. Meowit ovat hieman tummempia kuin MACin sävyt. Toivottavasti kuvista oli jotain apua :)

These Meow colors are from their halloween collection "Dance of Death" and the colors are now available for puchase. I bought mine last year, It's so cool that Meow offers the same theme colors many years (with new ones, of course).

Meow sävyt ovat Halloween-kokoelmasta nimeltä "Dance of Death" ja ne ovat jälleen saatavilla! On mukavaa, että Meow myy samoja teematuotteita usempana vuonna, omani ovat viime vuodelta.

Meow Warlock: this is pure black shadow LOADED with gorgeous blue sparkle and blue iridescence, and we say sparkle, we mean ALOT of sparkle...

Meow Witch: this pure black shadow has so much green sparkle and iridescent fire that it photographs green!

And then a few boring shoe pictures :D That white inside the boots is cardboard, not lining.

Vagabond boots. I wanted to buy UGG boots but long regular model costs 280€ here...
I guess these cheaper ones are ok this time ;D

And yes, Crocs AGAIN ;D These are great when the weather is wet.
This model is called Berryessa.


  1. wow they both look great....lovely blog! Try checking out mine.

  2. Suurkiitos Nea, paitsi voi ei nyt mä haluan SWD:n vihreän sävyn! :DD Olin ihan vakuuttunut että jostain mineraalikätköstä löydän sille dupen, mutta nyt kun oon käynyt kokoelmaani läpi, niin enää en oo niin vakuuttunut siitä :/

  3. Well, UGGs are pretty pointless to have, most of the time it's very wet in our climate. Those Crocs however - I would have never in a million years thought those could be Crocs! Is there a special store in Helsinki? How much do they cost?

  4. LiisK: The price was just below 80€ but I got -50% this time (if I rememeber correctly you can get every 6th pair -50% with Crocs card here). We have 3 stores in Finland: one near Tampere, one near Helsinki and one in my hometown Turku.

    Keijukainen: Sorry :D Harmi, kun minulla oli kamerassa normaalia pienempi koko asetuksena nyt eli kuva ei ole ihan paras :(

    Rakhshanda: thank you, I will :)

    Robyn: Thank you :)

  5. Great comparison!

  6. pretty!!!

  7. Thanks for the comparison...great swatches too. The boots are so cute!!!

  8. The glittery eyeshadow is gorgeous :-)

  9. Thank you Ladies :) The quality of MAC Mineralize is so much nicer than in Style Black collection. I really like this one <3

  10. I really like the boots on the bottom. I didn't know that Croc made boots. I'll have to give them a look see.

  11. Great swatches! I love the Meow shades that were released.

  12. I hope you're settling well back in Finland :D it was pleasant to meet you and Soila!
    I was going through the comments on my previous entries and realized I didn't have time to show you my favourite products when we met up, LOL!!! Maybe next spring <3!

  13. Excuse me for saying this, but the MAC one looks crap next to the Meow colours! :)

  14. The Meanderings of a history hound: Crocs makes some very nice models, I'm an addict :D

    SilhouetteScreams: But it's MAC ;D In fact she who dares was much nicer than I thought. Meow is of course perfect and the prices much more affordable <3

    Jennifer: It as so nice to meet you :D We must meet again next time!

    Phyrra: Oh yes, I just made a huge meow order :D -15% and free shipping (on orders over 50 USD). wow!


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