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Great AROMALEIGH news!

I couldn't be happier: My favorite mineral makeup company has reopened and ships internationally too! You can find a zillion Aromaleigh post I've made with label Aromaleigh (in the sidebar). I was so sad when Kristen closed the shop that I couldn't use my lovely Aromaleigh pigments at all (and I have "a few" ;D). I was hoping that Aromaleigh will some day reopen, she has just too much talent in creating mineral pigments. Really.

Aromaleigh has been my favorite mineral makeup company since they started to ship internationally, it was years ago... Kristen just creates so interesting multidimensional colors and you can always trust the quality. Also the pictures are always good and ordering easy. edit: Maybe the management is different now, I heard. But Kristen is still colsulting creative director :)

Now Kristed created a new collection called tapestry, I ordered the samples right away! I know, I shouldn't buy any pigments but it's Aromaleigh and they reopened so this doesn't count, right? :D I'll post the swatches when my order arrives!

Ihanaa, Aromaleigh-pigmenttejä saa taas! lempparifirmani ja olin aivan surkeana, kun Kristen lopetti kauppansa... Mutta nyt se on taas auki ja postittaa Suomeenkin! Maksimissaan 40 USD tilauksia voi tehdä ja kulut olivat muistaakseni 6 USD. Tilasin tämän uuden kokoelman samplet, ihan vain jo senkin takia kun Aromaleighiä taas saa :D Swatchit tulossa heti, kun tilaukseni saapuu.

Color Descriptions: (Remember, color is subjective, so these are Aromaleigh's color perceptions. They are helpful in assisting with color choice, but everyone sees color differently.)
alexis: a medium neutral blue with a grey undertone with sparkles of green and silver.
carolina: green and blue shimmer in a plush low-sheen chocolately bordeaux base.
alberta: soft cinnamon sheen with sparkles of pink and gold.
alice: borealis shimmer gleams from a medium cocoa taupe frost base with a greyed undertone.
miuccia: a plush low-sheen pale creamy fawn shade with very fine highlight sheen of blue, gold and green.
celine: an ethereal warm rosy copper with pink highlight sheen.
elie: a plush low sheen warm denim blue base with fine highlight shimmer of gold, pink and copper.
grazia: a plush warm greenish taupe with fine highlight shimmer of green, teal and blue.
nina: a coral-toned clear pink with bright sparks of gold.
marni: a lustrous metallic deep green sheen with greyed undertone and fine violet highlight shimmer
donna: a rich warm chestnut brown with russet undertones and highlight sparkles of teal and pink.
vera: a medium warm taupe frost with sparkles of pink and green.
tracy: a plush low sheen heathered cocoa base with fine highlight shimmer of green and gold.
betsey: a warm gold frost with sparks of copper shimmer.
rebecca: a lush deep copper metallic sheen with sparks of gold.
sonia: a heathered blue violet soft frost with a prism of highlight sparkles.

My favorite? Marni, of course. How could I resist green with violet :D And here is one EOTD with my old Aromaleigh pigments (Glowing Luna & Amarante), just to celebrate reopening!

Planning to order form Aromaleigh? :D


  1. Good news!

    And... I like all those colors... ;-)

  2. Heissan!
    Oon tässä pitemmän aikaan suunnitellu kokeilevani mineraalimeikkejä ihan ylipäätänsä. Oisko sulla mitään erityisiä suosituksia aloittelijalle? Niinku firmojen suhteen mist kannattais ostaa jne. Mielellään sellaisia paikkoja, jotka toimittaa Suomeenki asti. :) Ja mahdollisesti jtn josta sais sampleja, koska en näin alottelijana viittis heti lähtee ostelee isoo satsii. Kiitos.

  3. Katarzyna: Really good news :D

    Nora: Ehdottomasti sampleilla kannattaakin aloittaa :) Omia suosikkejani ovat mm.:
    *Meow (meikkipohjissa liikaa värejä eli jos ei hajuakaan omasta ihon sävystä, ei kannata ensimmäiseksi tilata täältä)
    *Alima: Hyvä laatu ja samplet purkeissa
    *Lauress: Täälläkin taitaa samplet olla purkeissa (itse kyllä tykkään luomiväripussukoista :D)
    *Aromaleigh luomiväreissä

    Jos joku noista tuntuisi kiinnostavalta, paljon muitakin toki löytyy! Täällä vanha postaukseni mineraalimeikkipohjista:

  4. Arrrrghhh this will be an expensive month for me! I have just received my Urban Decay palettes and will now be drawn to Aromaleigh!! Oh dear.
    On another note I have recently just come back to the blogging world and remember how much I love reading your blog :)

  5. Amarante is so awesome on you!

  6. Glowing Luna ja Amarante on yhdet mun ikisuosikeista <3 Oon ollu niin innoissani AL:n comebackista! Aattelin tosin jo sillon K:n lopettaessa ettei se voi olla ikuista :)

    Mä voisin vinkata vielä Noralle, että ainakin Meow'lle ja Alimalle voi lähettää luonnonvalossa (mieluiten auringossa) otetun kasvokuvan, jonka perusteella he auttavat oikean pohjasävyn valinnassa.

  7. Aromaleigh is a good sad example how image is worth everything in marketing... I was definitely put off by the recent drama around the company and I really don't know if I would ever order from them anymore. There's a lot of other companies around and those companies don't have such dramatic issues to overcome.

  8. i'm a profoundly sad, because unfortunately they do'nt send to Brazil anymore . Snif! Snif! i'm a profoundly sad, because unfortunately they don't send to Brazil anymore . Snif! Snif! >.< and ohh please make a review of They're real! =D

  9. Suuri kiitos Nealle ja keijukaiselle vinkeistä. Pitänee tutkiskella noita. :D


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