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[review] Detrivore Cosmetics

I bought sample pack of Detrivore cosmetics last November and I haven't really used these pigments much. Now I know why :D I have in fact tested "Ectoplasma" 3 times, it always looks so good in the baggie but it's just far too bright for me and I never like it! Now I tried more neutral look (after Ectoplasma, of course ;) and I really liked the results. White Chapel is lovely highliter (I really like the formula), Shroud is gorgeous & glittery silver, Smog is a good grey. Most of the colors (mine are from "original" series) are too dark or too bright for me, but there are also some more neutral ones.

Ostin samplesetin Detrivore pigmenttejä viime marraskuussa ja oikeastaan nämä ovat jääneet hyvin vähälle käytölle. Nyt hoksasin syynkin :D Olen testannut Ectoplasma-pigmenttiä jo 3 kertaa, se vain näyttää pussukassa niin täydelliseltä. Sävy on kuitenkin aivan liian räikeä minulle, enkä kertakaikkiaan pidä siitä yhtään! Nyt testasin neutraalimpaa meikkiä (Ectoplasman jälkeen, tietenkin ;) ja pidin kovasti. White Chapel on upea kulmaluulla (ihana koostumus), Scroud on glitterinen hopea (kannattaa suojata posket ennen kuin tätä laittaa, ellei halua glitteriä koko naamaan) ja Smog taas on aivan mainio tummanharmaa. Omat pigmenttini ovat "orignal" sarjaa, suurin soa liian tummia tai kirkkaita makuuni, mutta onneksi suosikkejakin löytyi :)


-Detrivore primer
-Detrivore Ectoplasma (lid)
-Detrivore Amazon (crease)
-Detrivore Dagon (lower lashline)
-MAC Blacktrack fluidline
-LashStiletto volume wp

White Chapel-Shroud-Smog-Dr.West:

-Detrivore prime
-Detrivore White Chapel (tearduct area, browbone)
-Detrivore Shroud (lid)
-Detrivore Smog (crease)
-Detrivore Dr. West (lower lashline)
-Inglot gel liner, grey
-LashStiletto volume wp

I have swatched some of these pigments earlier:

But then my favorite product EVER: Detrivore primer :D It's so good for my dry & sensitive lids and it really makes pigments pop. I've never learnt how to foil pigments (=apply them wet/damp) but with Detrivore primer, there is no need for foiling! This is creamy and makes lids very sticky. I use it alone but if you have oily lids, try this over a good primer (like UDPP). I think this is best for dry lids and if you buy this, remember that it can take a week to get used to this (it REALLY is sticky). I have now used mine since last December, I've used it almost daily.

inci: Titanium Dioxide, Yellow Oxide, Mica, Glycerine, Castor Seed Oil, Cetyl Stearyl Alcohol, Olive Fruit Oil, Beeswax, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Gycine Soybean Lipids, Lauryl Saurate, Carnauba Wax, and Candillia Wax.

Mutta sitten lempituotteeseeni: Detrivoren primeriin :D Aivan mahtava tuote kuiville ja herkille silmäluomilleni, saa pigmentitkin näyttämään mielettömän upeilta (ja pysyvät koko päivän). En ikinä oppinut foilaamaan (=levittämään pigmentit märällä/kostealla siveltimellä) mutta tämän kanssa ei ole tarvettakaan! Tuote on voidemainen ja saa luomet erittäin tahmeiksi. Ei varmaan sovellu rasvoittuville luomille, ainakaan ilman toista primeriä tämän alla (esim. UDPP). Parhaimmillaan kuivilla luomilla siis ja jos tämän ostat, kannattaa rauhassa testailla. saattaa hyvin mennä viikko, että tämän käyttöön (siis tahmaisuuteen) tottuu. Olen käyttänyt omaani muutamaa poikkeusta lukuunottamatta viime joulukuusta lähtien, lähes joka päivä.

Already a fan of Detrivore cosmetics? Any favorite pigments?


  1. I have the old sample kit they had on EBAY w/43 colors. I think I may get the newer but that primer does rock.

  2. Pretty looks - I even like the bright green you're not too fond of! The primer sounds interesting, does it have a waxy consistency?

  3. That priomer seems to do a similar trick to Fyrinnae pixie epoxy...xx

  4. I like that colours because they're so bright, I'll take a look to their website.

  5. The primer sounds really cool! I just ordered some Pixie Epoxy though. Have you/anyone tried this with glitters?

  6. Blogissani on sulle Beautiful blogger- palkinto :) En tiedä harrastatko näitä palkintojuttuja, mutta joka tapauksessa sulla on niin kauniit silmät ja nättejä meikkejä, että olet mielestäni ansainnut kunniamaininnan ;)

  7. wow~~I need to try the detrivore primer!!

  8. I keep meaning to try them! I want that primer! I also really love the look where you used green below!

  9. Gosh, Detrivore is a must have !!
    The colors are gorgeous, so pigmented aww !

  10. Ectoplasma look gorgeous (even if it is too bright for you to like). I really like the contrast eyeliner in both the looks, they're loveley.

  11. The dark green you use on the first look is very pretty :-), gorgeous looks.

  12. These looks really bring out your eyes!!! I LOVE detrivore primer, and her pigments are divine. However, you're totally right, for oily lids (a la mine) you have to put it over another primer... or it will crease.

  13. Yum! I love the green one, but it's a bit too bright. Thanks to you I've got some detrivore primer coming to me;)Pixie Epoxy didn't work for me so I hope this does. Is it much different?? And blending?
    Thank you Nea:)

  14. L: I got that sample pack too, it really had A LOT of colors :D

    Beauty's Bad Habit: Yep, it's waxy and sticky. The green looks better in the picture ;) It felt quite tacky, I really didn't like the color.

    samwells87: It does the same trick :D

    Becky: the pigmentation is GREAT!

    Robyn: I think Pixie epoxy might be better with glitters. This is slightly yellow and waxy, Pixie is clear and more like liquid.

  15. Frankie: Yep :D

    Blushing: KIITOS! Teen sen huomenna :D

    Leira Yann: It's really my favorite <3

    KittenMittens: It's so cheap and so good, maybe doesn't work on everybody but worth trying anyway!

    MademoiselleC: Definitely worth testing :D

    ScubbingUpWell, L the Bee & Graphology: Thank you :)

    therese: I've heard a lot good about Pixie Epoxy but somehow I don't like it so much... I find it easier to blend pigments with Detrivore. Pixie is clear gel and this one is yellow wax. Just apply a tiny bit! The first times I used this, I had difficulties... My e/s looked patchy and it was hard to blend, maybe I just used too much. This also doesn't work that well with matte eyeshadows (blending is easier with less sticky primer).

  16. Awwh thanks a bunches Nea!! I'll keep the tips in mind when I try that out:D
    I'm glad it wasn't just me that couldn't work with Pixy;)

  17. Therese: You're welcome :D

    SilhouetteScreams: It IS BRIGHT! I can wear almost anything but this was too much, really :D So for those who love brightest colors, this company is worth testing. And they have less bright ones too, the quality is excellent.

  18. Awesome primer. Thank you for showing its effect! I'm never too hot on trying anything on my eyelids because of eczema but I will give a try to this one.

    (Putrid looks awesome in the bag.)

  19. I haven't really tried the pigments. I do love the primer. It is the one I use the most. Really love how well my pigments stick and don't crease. I think the colors you used in your photos look amazing. I love the dark colors on you. You have beautiful eyes..


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