I'm not very good at skin care product review but since I've really liked this moisturizing gel-cream, I try to write something :D My skin is d i f f i c u l t: It doesn't like mineral oil but most natural oils are no-no too... I tried many certified natural brands but seemed to have problems so I decided to test regular products with "not very terrible inci" :D I've now tested this Biotherm Skin-Energetic day cream for normal to combination skin for a few months and my skin feels very nice :) It absorbs quickly, feels very refreshing and also moisturizing (not enough for dry skins, naturally). The scent is citrusy and quite strong, I love it but it really is strong... I will repurchase this later! Ihonhoitotuotteiden arvotelu ei ole niin lähellä sydäntäni, varmaan jo siksi, kun ei oikein mikään sovi... Mineraaliöljyt ovat ehdoton ei mutta myös monet luonnonöljyt saavat ihon kamalaan kuntoon. Ekotuotteet eivät siis ole osoittautuneet parhaiksi ja nyt ole...
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