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Finnish traditions "Carneval"

*vain englanniksi*

Valentine's day is really " a friendship day" here in Finland and I really like it that way! When I was younger, the popular girls got a huge pile of Valentine's Day cards and the rest (like me, who looked like a boy :D) a few. I think some teachers, like mine, made sure that everybody got at least one card. And yes, I REALLY did look like a boy as a kid. LOL

We are also celebrating "Laskiainen", according to Wikipedia, it's like Mardi Gras... Did know that and the celebration is VERY different here. Well, so is the weather ;)

(Picture: Wikipedia Mardi Gras)


Laskiainen in Finland (yes, that's my lovely Mini on a sled):

Laskiainen is just sledging (or skiing/ skating) with family or friends...

...and eating "Laskiaispulla", a mildly-sweet Finnish dessert bread with whipped cream. Nom nom, I've eaten 4 of those today. I'm feeling a bit sick now ;) LOL It's also known in other Nordic countries, like in Denmark (Fastalavnsboller). Thanks for info, Pixie :D You can find the recipe from CakeLab.

Here is also my EOTD with High Voltage pigments:

Without mascara.

With Nivea Extreme Resist Lenghtening mascara. *love*

-Detrivore primer
-High Voltage Moon Shine (lid)
-High Voltage Bootleg (crease, lower lashline)
-MAC Blacktrack fluidline
-Nivea Extreme Resist Lenghtening mascara

Do you celebrate Mardi Gras in your country?


  1. lovely eyes :) why did only the popular girls get a huge pile of cards? xx

  2. Your eyes look lovely! Happy Valentine's Day.

  3. Ohhh, we have that dessert with sweet bread and whipped cream in Denmark as well. We only eat it this time a year. It's called Fastalavnsboller her :)

  4. Pixie:
    Those are sold only in this time of year here, too. But I love those so much so I just make some for me when ever I want :p~

    Many traditions quite similar here in nordic countries :) We will celebrate midsummer this year in Cyprus. I think there might be a celebration, because the hotel is Swedish (and all the customers are from Nordic countries).

    Thank you :) Happy valentine's day!

    Thanks! Popular girls just got valentine's day card from many friends :D

  5. I think Laskiainen is like "Karneval" in Germany.

    Your eyes look amazing :)

  6. graphology:
    Thank you :) How do you calebrate Karneval in germany?

  7. Meillä kans menee tuonne karnevaalipuolelle eli porukka pukeutuu naamiaisasuihin, ahtautuu rekkoihin, nakkelee paperisilppua ja karkkia ympäriinsä jne. Mahtava meininki kaikenkaikkiaan :D Todella nätti meikki!

  8. Sanna:
    Kiitos! Tuntui tosin "hieman" liioitellulta pulkkamäessä ;) Tuo vaaleampi lila oli yllättävän räväkkä. *heh* Taidetaan siellä maailmalla osata juhlia vähän räväkämmin, kuulostaa hauskalta :D

  9. I love when you share your holiday traditions with us, as other countries and cultures fascinate me, and I can't afford to go anywhere. Thank you, I really appreciate it :)

  10. It's coming up on Paczi day here in the US! Paczi (punch-key) are Polish pastries that are typically eaten in the US on Fat Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. Having a Polish significant other has intruduced me to these amazing fried, jelly filled donut-like pastries. Love them!

  11. I love the eye look and I cannot believe that you weren't toting home piles of cards!

    My Husband is from New Orleans (where Mardi Gras origionated and where the huge celebration is) So I make him a King cake and we laugh at the non New Orleans cities goofy faux Mardi Gras.

  12. Evil Angel:
    haha, I was VERY quiet, shy and un-popular :D

    Fat tuesday, what an excellent name ;D I've been eating just TOO_MUCH. LOL

    I'm glad you liked this :) I'll continue making these posts!

  13. I love you in that mascara, I've been loving lash stiletto, but after seeing you in this I have to try it! You are gorgeaous, so they can all eat they're hearts out now! :P

  14. Oh BTW the Laskiaispulla", looks fantastic, I want to try one! and I love seeing your little one sledding! Thanks for sharing!

  15. ooooo .. you tease me with all this fun. i can't wait to go to finland!

  16. I'd love to learn more about your culture, and I want some Laskiaispulla *drools*

    Your liner looks especially good today :)

  17. Laskianen is same as vastlad or vastlapäev in Estonia. And laskiaspulla is vastlakukkel. I just have one left in the kitchen.:P
    EOTD is very beautiful!

  18. Aww man the Laskiaispulla looks delicious! It sounds like so much fun, i wish i could go sledding! Here in England we celebrate the same day but in a really lame way :P no carnival or mardi gras, instead we have 'pancake day' which is tomorrow. Basically everyone just eats a load of pancakes XD

  19. Lillian:
    Just ate two HUGE Laskiaspulla's more :D

    Thank you :D I had one left yesterday but my husband ate it while I was sleeping. LOL So I bought 2 more today.

    Thanks :) Glad you like the post!

    Welcome :D

    Glad you like this post :D I think I still like LashStiletto (wp) more, but this Extreme Reist is also VERY nice!

  20. I found this recipe from CakeLab :)

  21. Mmm, little cakes! I want one. :) They look very similar to creampuffs. Thanks for this post, I love reading about holiday traditions from different countries. I live in North Carolina (US), and we don't usually have a big Mardi Gras celebration, but we do have a Fat Tuesday pancake supper where we eat all the foods that are supposed to be given up during Lent.

  22. Nice to see you with purple! (the mascara looks great - I'm amazed) <3
    (I want a Laskiaispulla)

  23. Ella Runciter:
    I ate 2 again today, this terrible :D I like reading about traditions in different countries too!

    I could NEVER forget the mascara! My lashes are really invisible without it ;D Thank you!

  24. Ooh, that Laskiaispulla looks yummy! Beautiful eyes and makeup!:)

  25. Bebo:
    It is. Too good, in fact :D

    Thank you so much!


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