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GOSH Bronzing Shimmer powder "001 bronze"

I saw this beutiful GOSH bronzer in Cyprus but I was in a hurry, so didn't have time to think about it... Now I saw this in Finland too and since I've been looking for a shimmery pressed bronzer fo a longer time, I decided to buy it. Even the Inci looked pretty good to me, not even silicones. This one has glitter in it but biggest glitter is only in a surface.

Näin tämä GOSHin kauniin aurinkopuuterin jo Kyproksella mutta en ehtinyt miettiä ostoa siellä tarpeeksi ja jäi hyllyyn. Nyt löysin tämän kuitenkin Suomesta ja koska olenkin etsinyt kiinteää kimaltelevaa aurinkopuuteria jo pidempään, päätin ostaa tämän. Inci näytti myös hyvältä, ei edes silikonia, eli ihokaan ei tästä hermostu! Tuote on hohtava mutta suurimmat glitter-hippuset ovat pinnalla. Hinta taisi olla välillä 13-14€.

The picture below is taken in my makeup table (good lightning+ flash) and at least in my monitor it looks more accurate. The picture I took in natural light looks a bit too light...

Alla oleva kuva on otettu meikkipöydälläni (hyvä valaistus+salama) ja ainakin minun monitorillani siinä näkyy oikea sävy paremmin. Luonnonvalossa ottamissnai kuvissa tämä näytti liian vaalealta.

So it's a pretty bronzer and I like it. Especially because silicone free pressed bronzer are hard to find! It looks natural (not too dark) and not too glittery.

Nätti siis on ja pidän tästä kovasti. Ei vähiten sen takia, että silikonittomia aurinkopuutereita on vaikea löytää! Näyttää luonnolliselta (ei liian tumma) eikä ainakaan minuun makuuni liian glitteriseltä.


  1. That looks and sounds really nice. I like a little shimmer in my bronzer, but not too much.

  2. Sounds interesting ! I've never been into bronzers as my skin is so white. But sometimes I'd like to add a sunny touch, thanks for your review :)

  3. I was holding the same bronzer in my hand but decided to leave it (for someone elese to buy)! ;)
    It's lovely but I have too many bronzers... Or can you really ever have enough?? :)

  4. Lyndsey: Little shimme ris nice but too much is very bad...

    Mademoiselle C: Maybe bronzers are not for you :) White skin is so pretty!

    Beauty Smartie: haha, too much is too much.

  5. hello, im from Brasil and my husband will travel do finland next week,and i would like to ask you where he can find gosh cosmetics and specially nail polishes in turku and vaasa? can you help me ? and where he can buy cosmetis and wich brands ae most popular in there ? i will be very gratefull if you give me some help,because you know how men so if i want him to bring me some nice things i must give him the adresses and the brands,everything ...i cant depend of him to search,lol
    thxs again,hope to hear from you !

  6. Vera: I know men ;D The best place for him to shop (in this case at least) is Sokos. In Turku this shop is calles Sokos Wiklund and it's situated in the market place. You can find for example GOSH, Lumene, Lumene Natural Code, Icon we Care & Isadora from there.


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