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More scents from OHWTO (One Hand Washes the Other)

So I made a new OHWTO (One hand washes the other @Etsy) order immediaty after receiving my first :D The shipping was fast, I got this in 10 days. I got full size on Cranberries and following scent samples:

Tein siis välittömästi uuden OHWTO (One hand washes the Other)-tilauksen :D Postitus oli nopea, 10 päivää. Ostin täysikokoisen Cranberries-tuoksusta ja nyt myös seuraavat tuoksunäytteet:

Pomegranate: Lovely sweet scent, I'll get soap with this later and I love this as a perfume. It smells of bubblegum to me, a delicious bubblegum! Makea, ihana tuoksu. Tulee joku purkka mieleen :D

"Delicious fruity scent of ripe Pomegranates."

Mango Brulee: a burnt caramel-mango-vanilla scent, far too sweet for me as a perfume, but I think I'd still like this as a soap. Tämä on makea, huh. Poltettu karamelli-mango-vanilja, saatan silti tykätä saippuassa mutta tuoksuöljynä tekee pahaa.

"Nearly over-ripe mangoes, sliced and layered inside of a warm vanilla custard topped with a caramelized shell."

Vanilla Bean: Lovely, quite basic vanilla. I like this as a perfume but I'd love get a soap with this scent too! Ihana perusvanilja, öljynä kiva ja saippuana pakko saada :D

"A dry, powdery vanilla scent, this one is less sweet and buttery than my other vanilla scent."

Peach nectar: "thebodyshoptype" peach, I like this a lot. I usually find peach scent too sweet but this was nice. "thebodyshop-tyyppinen" persikka, pidän paljon. Yleensä persikka-tuoksut ovat liian makeita minulle mutta tämä on hyvä.

"this is not the overripe fake smelling peach that most peach-scented products use; this is a true-to-life peach skin and flesh scent, tart and sweet, without being sickeningly sweet."

Absynthe: Fresh, smells of anis and citrus. I think I'll like this in soap :) Maybe anis is not my favorites in perfumes in general. Raikas anis- & sitrustuoksu, varmaan saippuana oikein kiva. En ole tosiaan suurin aniksentuoksun ystävä :)

" A 100% essential oils blend, this is my interpretation of Absinthe, made to be both wearable AND edible. That's right, I'll be putting this in lip balms as well as soaps and perfumes. It's an Anise-Peppermint-Lemongrass blend brightened with a few drops of red Blood Orange. It's definitely an anise-based scent, there's no doubt about that, but it's balanced by the mint and citrus scents so that even people who detest licorice-scented things might still be able to enjoy this. And of course, any fan of black licorice will most likely fall fast in love with this scent/flavor."

Viva la Juicy: Oh, nice :D Hard to describe, it's fresh, sweet, floral... Interesting scent, me likey! Hauska tuoksu! Vaikea kuvata, tässä on paljon kaikenlaista: raikas, kukkainen, makea...

" After reading the descriptions of what this boutique fragrance duplicate smells like, I HAD to get it for my shop. It's fruity and floral, with the two balanced very nicely. You'll smell wild berries and mandarins, honeysuckle, gardenia, and jasmine, complimented nicely by notes of amber, vanilla, sandalwood, and praline. It sounds like there's a lot going on in this one, and there is- it reminds me of Pink Lady, in that it smells a little different every time you sniff it. This one is definitely a fun fragrance to wear."

China Rain: Fresh, like perfumes called "rain" usually are :) Raikas, kuten "sadetuoksut" yleensäkin.

"This is a light, sweet floral scent that is rounded out with notes of melon and cucumber. A floral that will appeal to all types of tastes, China Rain's sweeter fruit notes are supported with bottom notes of musk and sweet amber."

Sun+sand: This is not bad but I don't find it that interesting either. It's ok :) Ei paha mutta ei kovin kiinnostavakaan. Ihan ok mutta mitäänsanomaton minulle :)

" it's very similar to a scent I already have, "Beach". Sun and Sand is less floral, not that Beach is all that floral in the first place, but there's a hint of perfumey things in Beach that isn't in Sun and Sand. This is another scent that smells like a day at the beach, brought in as a special request, and now offered to all of you :)"

I don't need any soaps just now, but I'll definitely buy more later! My favorite scents are Vanillime, Cranberry, Pomegranate, Vanilla bean, Viva la Juicy & Peach nectar.

Yhtään saippuaa en nyt tarvitse mutta myöhemmin hankin toki lisää! Lempituoksuni ovat Vanillime, Cranberry, pomegranate, vanilla Bean, Viva la Juicy ja Peach nectar.


  1. Taidan tietää, mistä hankin seuraavat saippuat :) Tuo pomegranate-tuoksu kuulostaa aivan ihanalta!

  2. Viva La Juicy on namppa! Ginger Ale on tällä hetkellä käytössä, tuoksuu ihan yhdeltä luomuinkiväärioluelta, jota tykkään hörppiä :) Muista suosikkeja on Twigs&Berries, Calaveras ja Black Tea.

  3. Tahma: Suosittelen :D

    saila: Ihania tuoksuja kyllä! Pitää ensi kuussa tilata vähän lisää saippuoita. Aika laatikollinen jo löytyykin mutta on vain niin kiva valita sieltä uusi vanhan loputtua :D

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