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The All Natural Face

I got my The All Natural Face (TANF) order many weeks ago but I haven't have any time to watch or try these... I bought 40 samples, because there were so CHEAP :D Then I noticed this posts from Grey. I went through my TKB Trading collection and swatched the ones I thought could be similar colors. I just decided to order more from TKB, just to be sure :) The ones I have are bought from my friend and most of the colors are not the ones I'd purchase from MMU companies.

Sain The All Natural Face (TANF) tilaukseni jo ueita viikkoja sitten mutta ei ollut aikaa tutkia näitä tarkemmin... Ostin 40 samplea, olivat niin HALPOJA :D Ja istten huomasin Greyn postauksen (linkki yllä). Kävin läpi TKB kokoelmani ja swatchasin sävyt, jotka näyttivät samanlaisilta. Päätinkin juuri tilata lisää TKB:ltä, niin voi olla varma :) Nämä TKB:t jotka minulla on, on ostettu ystävältäni. Sävyt eivät ole ihan niitä, joita yleensä itse mineraalifirmoilta ostan.

TKB Apple pop-TANF Peacock green: Close but at least base added. Aika lähellä mutta ainakin jotain on tähän lisätty.

TKB Blush beige-TANF Just peachy: looked a bit similar in sample baggies but are not the same. Ei lähelläkään.

TKB Sagittarius-TANF The Tempest: looked a bit similar in sample baggies but are not the same (not even close, in fact). I tried to apply Sagittaurius without a base and it really didn't stick or show at all, I just wiped it off with my hand and nothing was left. It's applied over primer in this picture.
Ei lähelläkään ja itsessään tuo Sagittarius ei tarttunut ihoon ollenkaan, pohjustusaine oli välttämätön.

with flash.

without flash.

The only match I found was TKB Chameleon-TANF Cherry Bomb. These look even more similar irl.

Ainoa samanlainen oli lopulta TKB Chameleon-TANF Cherry bomb. Itseasiassa jopa samalaisemmat luonnossa.

I bought also rose water mist, I really like it, and The All Natural Face has about 50 different foundation colors... I'm in fact quite relieved, because I was worried that I might find more matches (I swatched the Chameleon-Cherry bomb first). I need to buy more TKB before I can be sure, of course.

Ostin myös ruusuvesisuihkeen, siitä pidän paljon, ja pohjia firmalla taitaa olla yli 50... Olin itseasiassa hyvin helpottunut, ettei kaikki olleet selviä tapauksia, ensimmäinen swatchaamani kun oli tuo viimeinen. Täytyy siis rynnätä äkkiä TKB:n sivuille ;D

I also made new poll about repackaging, because I don't know what I think. Of course wholesale mica is repackaged but is it also with added base? Well, sometimes but not always for me... The point is to make product better and I can tolerate a few quite similar colors but if I find too many, then maybe not. Difficult :D I have just noticed that many companies don't think that they repack if they add a base.

Tein juuri kyselyn uudelleen pakkauksesta (vai mikä se nyt sitten voisi olla suomeksi :D), sillä en oikein tiedä mitä meiltä itse olen. Totta kai suoraan purkitettu mica on uudelleen pakattua mutta onko se sitä myös jos tuotteeseen on lisätty muita, väriä muuttamattomia, aineita? Ehkei aina minulle... Idea toki on, että tuote paranisi, eikä vain "laimenisi". Siedän myös muutamia samanlaisia mutta jos niitä alkaa olla paljon, ehkäpä en. Olen vain huomannut, etteivät kaikki firmat ajattele "pakkaavansa uudelleen", jos lisäävät mukaan aineita.


  1. Thanks for posting your swatches. I was a little disspaointed after reading Grey's post because I really liked TANF!

  2. I must say that I still "like" TANF and want to try those products... I said "like" because I have only swatched a few colors yet.

    I also made new poll about repackaging, because I don't know what I think. Of course wholesale mica is repackaged but is it also with added base? Well, sometimes but not always for me... The point is to make product better and I can tolerate a few quite similar colors but if I find too many, then maybe not. Difficult :D I have just noticed that many companies don't think that they repack if they add a base.

  3. Repackaging: I think it depends. If someone takes a standard mica, then adds a base so it's very different, then that's fine, but if it's just a bit of base, so the color is very close to the original, that's unacceptable.

    It was mentioned that TSS repackages because a few of the colors were nearly identical. I don't think that's repackaging. I think the owner screwed up and didn't realize she was making the same color several times. I think she should have been more careful, but I feel it wasn't a deliberate act. That's obviously just my opinion.


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