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EOTD The She Space Crack in the Glitz & About face

I've read some rumors that About face/The She Space pigments could be repackaged but I really do not think/ believe so. I've been Heather's client for 1.5 years (at least) and have hundreds and hudreds of TSS pigments, all bought by me. I really like the quality too, only the ones from "the pigment bar" are not my favorites. TSS has so many LE collections so there might be some pigments that are quite close to each other, but I think I can never have too many greens ;) I even asked about this repackaing from Heather, when Mutiny started, and here is the response:

Olen lueskellut muutamia huhuja, että The She Spacen pigmentit saattaisivat olla vain uudelleen pakattua tavaraa mutta siihen en kyllä usko. Olen ollut TSS:n asiakas jo reilut 1,5 vuotta ja olen kerännyt melkoisen kokoelman firman säyjä, ihan itse olen nuo ostanut. Pidän kovasti myös laadusta, ainoastaan pigmenttibaarin tarjonta ei niin innosta. TSS:llä on toki kokolmian enemmän kuin sieniä sateella, joten samantapaisia sävyjä toki saattaa valikoimista löytyä. Toisaalta minulla ei voi koskaan olla liikaa esim. vihreitä luomivärejä ;) Kysyin asiasta vielä Heatheriltä ja alla vastaus.

Hi Sweet Nea!
I make every single one of the pigments on the site…all of them…because I am obsessed with color and can’t be stopper! LOL!!!! So, yes, those pigments are all me! Thanks for asking! If you ever see anybody saying that they are not made by me, please let them know that they are. Thanks for asking!!!

So she didn't attact me for asking, some companies can do that, really :-O I find that (=attacking) quite suspicious... Only things I have been worried with TSS has been the slow and a bit unrealiable international shipping... But for now on, also international clients will get a tracking number. That really is a good thing! I've also heard that some customers haven't got answers to their mails... Maybe separate email address for really urgent/ very important mails could be the anwer?

Eli ihan iloisesti suhtautui kysymykseeni, osa firmoista kun tuosta suuttuu :-O Aika epäilyttävää suorastaan tuollainen suutuminen... Ainoa mikä firmassa on mietityttänyt on hidas ja epävarma toimitus ulkomaille. Mutta tästä lähtien kansainvälisetsikin tilaajat saavat lähetyksen numeron seuraamista varten. Hieno homma! Toinen mistä olen kuullut valituksia on se, ettei kaikkiin sähköposteihin vastata. Tuo kuntoon saaminen olisi erittäin tärkeää. Ehkäpä pitäisi olla toinen sähköpostiosoite tärkeitä posteja varten?

The reason why I don't buy that much TSS anymore is very simple: I just have so much, r e a l l y ;D So no more full sample sets for Nea, please. LOL. In fact I have Heather & TSS to blame that I became color addict in the first place ;)

Syy miksi en niin paljoa TSS:ää enää tilaa on yksinkertaisesti liian suuret varastot. Eli ei enää yhtään täyttä samplesettiä minulle, kitoos! Itseasiassa Heatheria saan syyttää hurahtamisestani väreihin ;)

But finally, here is my EOTD with Crack in the glitz (rich chocolate). I usually do not like colors like this but I saw this swatched in TSS forum and I just had to get it! This is a part of Glitz-pigments and I really like these and find them very pigmented & easy to use. I didn't have time to find matching TSS pigmnets so I used it with Pixies Sprinkles from Sassy Minerals.

Tässä vielä loppuun EOTD (no, oikeasti muutaman päivän takaa :D) Crack in the glitz-sävyn kanssa. Sävyn kuvaus on "rich chocolate" ja vaikka en yleensä ruskeasta välitä, on tämä aika herkku! Koostumukseltaan tämä on Glitz ja olen pitänyt näistä paljon: pigmenttisiä ja helppoja levittää/häivyttää. En ehtinyt etsiä kaveriksi sopivaa sävyä TSS:n valikoimista, joten käytössä Sassyn Pixie Sprinkles.

-Detrivore primer
-Sassy Pixie Sprinkles (lid)
-TSS Crack in the glitz (crease, lower lash line)
-AL Sand (brow bone)
-MAC Dipdown fluidline
-LashStiletto wp


  1. I completely agree with you! I think its a bit ridiculous for people to think she repackages, especially considering she comes out with TONS of new limited editions every month. I think people are just trying to complain about something XD I also agree that it looks suspicious when a company attacks you for asking if they repackage....Hmm....

    Her shipping here in the US is actually pretty good. I don't mind waiting 3 weeks to get them, I actually think its pretty standard for a small business like hers.

    And regarding the whole email thing...I'm actually a bit shocked. I've emailed her TONS of times about random things and I've always gotten a response, almost always on the same day or next day. Maybe there is something wrong with the email account? That's the only thing I can think of!

  2. PS...You look fab, I love that color!!

  3. I agree about the repackaging. I've been buying TSS for quite a while, and while I've found similar colors in her line, this is the first time I've read anyone accusing her of repackaging. It's ridiculous. Those hand swatches on Spektra are pretty poor, in my opinion, and don't show the colors enough for anyone to make an informed judgement.

  4. Thanks Lisa Kate :D Crack in the Glitz is so pretty!

    Apriltini & LK: Yes, I don't think anybody need to worry about repackaging when it comes to TSS :) I've heard that there are peple who get the response (most customers, like me & LK) and then people who never get the answer. So it sounds it might be the email account or someting. Heather has so many customers, she really couldn't remember to who she won't answer ;D

  5. I love the look!

    I don't think TSS repackages. I do think that their quality has been hit and miss for my taste.

  6. I love Crack in the Glitz on you.

    I always have to giggle whenever Heather writes. It's like she's on a constant pigment high. Every sentence has at least one or two "!"'s

    As for repackaging, eh...I've been pretty much happy with the items I've gotten from her - repackaged or not and all at a good price.

  7. I don't think they're repackaged, I have a ton of pretty and unique colors from Heather. She has colors with so many elements to them. I'm also surprised when I hear shipping complaints. I guess it's because we're in the same state, but I always get my packages from TSS in a week and a half or less.

  8. LT: :D

    Heather: I think the shipping problem was only in international packages. And now tracking number helps, a lot!

  9. Kaunis väriyhdistelmä meikissä! Pitäisikin kaivaa Pixie Sprinkles esille, en oo tainnut ehtiä testatakaan vielä. Oli muuten pakko laittaa Detrivoren primer tilaukseen sun ja Sagun hehkutuksen jälkeen ja jokunen luomivärikin saattoi eksyä tilaukseen ;)

    Vaikea munkin uskoa noita TSS-syytöksiä noiden tilaamieni pigmenttien perusteella. Ihmiset on varmaan vaan tosi varpaillaan mmu-firmojen kanssa ja jos samanlaisia sävyjä ilmenee, niin on helppo tuomita. Ja ehkä nuo epämääräiset postituskäytännöt lisäävät epäilyksiä koko firmaa kohtaan. Vaikka vähän epäselvyyksiä onkin ollut TSS:n kanssa, niin Heather on kyllä vastannut mulle joka kerta vuorokauden sisällä, vaikka olen ollut ikävälläkin asialla ja hyvitti myös heti tilauksesta puuttuneet samplet.

  10. I admit that I'm completely spoiled by Aromaleigh's lightning fast shipping. :D I remember when TSS was first being talked about on the Q forums. Shipping was a nightmare at from 4-6 weeks. The time has gotten much shorter, but I still think it's rather long. Still, I keep going back and buying more, so I only have myself to blame for getting impatient. lol Oh, and I like sheer colors, so it works out for me.

  11. Thanks so much for following me--just followed your back! :) I am loving your EOTDs--your eyes are stunning! And I especially like this gorgeous earthtone look (earthtones are my weakness). xo


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