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Problems with silica...

Silica is one of the ingredients in "real" minerals, it's not bad ingredient. But of course: anything can cause problems and for me that really is silica.

Over a year ago I had foundation containing silica and it clogged my pores in a week, my skin looked just terrible! I of course stopped using it immediately. I was quite sure the cause was silica. I got confirmation when I got a sample of Aromaleighs foundation: I was so happy because it looked fabulous but after a few days my skin started to look terrible, only then I noticed that it contains silica too. I read the ingredients but maybe just too quickly because I didn't notice that :D

After I noticed that silica really looks amazing, it brings "light", I have used The She Space silica products under eyes. I have used TSS casmere stocking ja TSS yellow nylons for some time and I started to wonder, why my under eyes look so old and are so dry that it really hurts. Well, it was silica again... Maybe now I believe that my skin really does not like silica ;D

I'll continue to use it but only in special occasions. It doesn't dry my skin that quickly but not for daily use anymore. For daily use I'll use Meow Yellow under eye again (it contains silk, and my skin loves that).

What is silica?

Silica is a mineral found all over the planet: in sandstone, clay, granite, even in plants and animals! It is the main ingredient in glass.

In cosmetics, it has many uses:

  • It is an oil absorbent
  • It improves "slip" (how the product feels going on)
  • Because of their spherical shape our silicas also scatter light and blur the look of fine lines and wrinkles. (information from TBK Trading)
Our Silica powder is a very smooth, silky, translucent fine white powder used in cosmetics. It is highly absorbant and used for oil control. It improves slip in cosmetic blends and reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles.

Tests show it has been successfully used in hypoallergenic/hypoallerfenic and allergy tested formulations.

This can be used for slip in small amounts , oil control formulations of mineral makeup. Use in smaller amounts in dry skin formulations. (information from Coastal Scents)

It's not bad for most of the people but if you have dry skin, maybe products containing large amouts of silica can be too drying!

Silica on yksi "oikeiden" mineraalituotteiden ainesosista, kyseessä ei ole "paha" aine. Mutta toki jokainen aine voi aiheuttaa ongelmia, minulle tällainen aine on silica.

Reilu vuosi sitten hankin meikkipohjan, jossa oli silicaa. En osannut odottaa reaktiota mutta noin viikossa ihoni oli tukkeutunut ja täynnä näppylöitä. Lopetin toki käytön välittömästi. Olin melko varma, että syyllinen oli silica mutta varmistuksen sain testattuani Aromaleighin pohjaa. Tuo pohja näytti todella kauniilta mutta parissä päivässä ilmaantui näppylät. Vasta sen jälkeen luin incin niin tarkkaan, että huomasin silican. Ihan hyvä jos incit lukisi kerran kunnolla, eihän tuossakaan montaa ainetta edes ole ;D

Huomattuani silican näyttävän todellakin hyvältä, se tuo iholle "valoa", käytin The She Spacen silica tuotteita silmänalusilla. Käytin Casmere Stockings- ja Yellow Nylons-tuotteita jonkin aikaa ja nyt aloin ihmetellä miten vanhoilta silmänaluseni näyttävät ja ne ovat niin kuivat, että suorastaan sattuu. No silicapa se taas oli! Ehkäpä nyt jopa minä uskon, ettei silica kertakaikkiaan sovi minulle ;D

Säästän siis silica-tuotteeni vain erityistilanteisiin ja jatkan Meowin Yellow under eye-tuotteen käyttöä. Tuo Meow sisältää mm. silkkiä, siitä tämäkin iho tykkää!

Yllä harmaalla tekstillä tietoa silicasta englanniksi TBK tradingin ja Coastal Scentsin sivuilta. Pääpointit siinä, että se imee öljyä (ei suositella kuin pieninä pitoisuuksina kuivalle iholle) ja heijastaa valoa.


  1. My skin has problems with silica too - especially in powder mineral foundations, it causes the makeup to sink into my pores and clog them, causing deep, painful blemishes. it took me forever to figure out why mineral makeup didn't work for me. did you find any good silica-free alternatives?

  2. I don't know if any other ingredient gives the same light reflecting look without any shimmer but there are very good products without silica too.

    Foundation is not a problem, many companies do not use silica at all or use it only in some products. My favorites are from Meow and Alima, I don't think those companies use silica at all. Correct if I'm wrong :) Lauress has also a very nice foundation, Elemental, it give a nice glow (but Ethereal foundation contains silica).

    I'd be glad to use finishing powder with silica though... But I can wear also shimmery ones (like Aromaleigh You'rea doll). My favorites are for example LaurEss Luminesce and Dreamworld silk powder. DW silk powders give nice, suble glow :) I'm also very glad that in Dreamworld minerals you can choose different formulas and one option is silk without silica and clay. Lauress Luminesce powders are "perfect for adding glow without sparkle, for a natural illuminated appearance". I have the beige one, Glow, but there are lighter and darkers shades too.

    In oilier skins these "oil absorbing" ingredients (silica, kaolin) can cause problems too. When the powder absorbs oil, the skin can start to produce even more oil...

  3. Olen ratkaissut tuon viimeisen kappaleen ongelman niin, että käytän periaatteessa kuivan ihon pohjustustuotetta ja vain viimeistelypuuterissa on silicaa tai kaoliinia


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