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The She Space Glitz swatches

Heather from The She Space did it again! She so going to get all my money ;) LOL My Glitz samples arrived today and I haven't tried these yet but as you can see, these colors are SOMETHING. All applied dry over Lumene primer. See my previous post about the extended (10/31) sale!

Heather The She Spacelta teki sen taas! Eihän meikäläisellä pysy tätä menoa rahat ollenkaan kukkarossa ;) Glitz- samplet siis saapuivat ja jestas mitä värejä! Pigmentit swatchattu kuivana Lumenen primerin päällä. Edellisessä viestissäni lisätietoa pidennetystä (31.10.09) alesta!

Iced crystal glitz, smurfberry blast, skating on black ice
Citrus ambush, Lemon lime brain freeze, Lime-Ricky, Sweet tart terror

Iced crystal glitz is AMAZING!

And some other colors:
-World class heroes (August LE, A tribute to our troops) soft charcoal shimmer with a bit of iridescent light
-Ms. Status Quo (Virgo) Metallica grape shimmer with a very distinct layer of copper, then aqua and gold sparkle
-Vixen is a virgo? (Virgo) Metallic grape-wine shows loads of bronze and pink iridescent light
-Fashionista femme (Virgo) Sheer iridescent plum with loads of gold, copper and pink sparkle

I wanted to test some plums and I must say that these are so pretty!


  1. I got Vixen is a Virgo,and Ms. Status Quo, but now that I see your swatches,Nea, I might want Fashionista Femme too! Thanks for the swatches!

  2. Ooh, I do love those browns and purples! So tempted to look through the Virgo colors again..

  3. Virgo colors were much nicer that I thought... I think I'll buy all the colors I swatched in full size :)

  4. Ms. Status Quo is one of my favorites! It looks so pretty foiled, you must try it!


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