Oh, finally! Swatches of The She Space Gemini-collection. I ordered all the pigments in full size because I'm a Gemini and I absolutely LOVE green pigments ;) I really like the idea of Astrology collections: there is always one theme color and if you happen to love that color, you get MANY pigments.
Samples come in baggies and are quite cheap, only 0.50 USD, so it's very easy to sample... well, all of the colors :D
I'll try to sample some of the older collections too (Capricorn-brown, Aquarius-blue, Pisces-lilac, Aries-red, Taurus-pink) and of course the signs that haven't been released yet.
No sainhan aikaiseksi :D Tässä swatchit The She Spacen Kaksoset-kokoelmasta. Tilasin synttärilahjaksi koko setin täysikokoisena, sillä rakastan vihreää! Horoskooppi-kokoelma on loistava idea: joka kokoelmassa on oma teemavärinsä ja näin samasta väristä tulee paljon eri vaihtoehtoja.
Samplet ovat halvat, vain 0.50 USD/ kpl, ja tulevat pusseissa. Pigmenttiä on pussissa vaihtelevasti, toisinaan vain pariin testailuun ja toisinaan varsin paljonkin. Toimitusaika on Suomeen valitettavasti ainakin 1 kk... Moni muu firma postittaa paljon nopeammin.
Katsotaan, jos jaksan swatchata joskus vanhatkin kokoelmat (Kauris-ruskea, Vesimies-sininen, Kalat-lila, Oinas-punainen ja Härkä-v.punainen). Ja uudet toki heti niiden saapuessa minulle.
-BLISSFUL BALANCE: AMAZING lime green that actually shows up as a vivid metallic pink copper with multi colored twinkle
-YING AND YANG: Pea green shimmer with layers of turquiose and purple iridescent shimmer topped off with subtle baby blue twinkle
-FLIP FLOP: Lime metal with shimmering of layers of bronze and champagne iridescent pearl
-RE-CREATING CHAOS: Delicious kelly green shimmer with a layer of iridescent violet and gold
-GEMINI RISING: Bronzey lime with a layer of irdescent champagne, and pink twinkle
-DARK SIDE OF LIGHT: Vivid metallic golden olive with amazing layers of copper and bronze sparkle and a hint of hot pink twinkle
-RULES OF REVERENCE: highly irirdescent lime green with flashes of turquiose and purple twinkle
-DILIGENCE DOES GOOD: Golden based forest green with iridescent flashes of kelly green and gold twinkle
-A TALE OF TWINS: Smoky iridescent green with layers of gold, lime, aqua and violet iridescent shimmer
-ROLE REVERSAL: Deep smoky forest green shimmer with a layer of gold and bronze iridescent twinkle
-HARMONY IN THE HEAVENS: Navy based green with an intense layer of turquiose, lime and aqua iridescent twinkle
-TIP THE SCALES: Metallic crayon green with twinkle iridescent baby blue, aqua and lavender
Samples come in baggies and are quite cheap, only 0.50 USD, so it's very easy to sample... well, all of the colors :D
I'll try to sample some of the older collections too (Capricorn-brown, Aquarius-blue, Pisces-lilac, Aries-red, Taurus-pink) and of course the signs that haven't been released yet.
No sainhan aikaiseksi :D Tässä swatchit The She Spacen Kaksoset-kokoelmasta. Tilasin synttärilahjaksi koko setin täysikokoisena, sillä rakastan vihreää! Horoskooppi-kokoelma on loistava idea: joka kokoelmassa on oma teemavärinsä ja näin samasta väristä tulee paljon eri vaihtoehtoja.
Samplet ovat halvat, vain 0.50 USD/ kpl, ja tulevat pusseissa. Pigmenttiä on pussissa vaihtelevasti, toisinaan vain pariin testailuun ja toisinaan varsin paljonkin. Toimitusaika on Suomeen valitettavasti ainakin 1 kk... Moni muu firma postittaa paljon nopeammin.
Katsotaan, jos jaksan swatchata joskus vanhatkin kokoelmat (Kauris-ruskea, Vesimies-sininen, Kalat-lila, Oinas-punainen ja Härkä-v.punainen). Ja uudet toki heti niiden saapuessa minulle.
-BLISSFUL BALANCE: AMAZING lime green that actually shows up as a vivid metallic pink copper with multi colored twinkle
-YING AND YANG: Pea green shimmer with layers of turquiose and purple iridescent shimmer topped off with subtle baby blue twinkle
-FLIP FLOP: Lime metal with shimmering of layers of bronze and champagne iridescent pearl
-RE-CREATING CHAOS: Delicious kelly green shimmer with a layer of iridescent violet and gold
-GEMINI RISING: Bronzey lime with a layer of irdescent champagne, and pink twinkle
-DARK SIDE OF LIGHT: Vivid metallic golden olive with amazing layers of copper and bronze sparkle and a hint of hot pink twinkle
-RULES OF REVERENCE: highly irirdescent lime green with flashes of turquiose and purple twinkle
-DILIGENCE DOES GOOD: Golden based forest green with iridescent flashes of kelly green and gold twinkle
-A TALE OF TWINS: Smoky iridescent green with layers of gold, lime, aqua and violet iridescent shimmer
-ROLE REVERSAL: Deep smoky forest green shimmer with a layer of gold and bronze iridescent twinkle
-HARMONY IN THE HEAVENS: Navy based green with an intense layer of turquiose, lime and aqua iridescent twinkle
-TIP THE SCALES: Metallic crayon green with twinkle iridescent baby blue, aqua and lavender
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